Book Review

Book Review & Recommended Reading

Please check our book recommendations - these are 'must-read' publications that will offer major insight into where we are headed and what we must do to help our country to move on the correct path.

Special Message from Tim Rivers, author of

The American Gulag Chronicles

Book 2: ART OF CONFINEMENT is now shipping to patriots like you across America. Chronicling the persecution and repression of America's newest political prisoners, the 2nd book in The American Gulag Chronicles series documents the mistreatment and injustice these Jan 6 Patriots are enduring in their third year of persecution, and the lessons learned they wish to now share with you.


Each book purchased helps spread their words of Truth and Art into the hearts and minds of America and directly supports the prisoners and their families. Your tax-deductible purchase will go to work immediately helping to save and support these patriots and their Families. The two-book set makes a memorable gift of history and preserves the Truth for future generations.






Click on the book titles below to view Tim Rivers' video for each book-

Incompetence... or intent?

   It seems so much is going wrong in America. Some say it’s because our leaders are incompetent. Others think it’s merely

 a coincidence. But to millions of concerned Americans, those simplistic explanations no longer ring true. Instead, they

 sense something else is going on…

   Kevin Freeman is one of them. Drawing on his deep expertise in investigative analysis, he took a hard look at all that

 America is going through. Piecing together historical evidence and current events, he made a shocking discovery: The

 crises now facing America are happening according to plan.

   Decades in the making, it is a plan to take down the greatest obstacle to totalitarianism the world has ever known: the

 United States. And it’s a plan that will succeed—unless we unite now to save America!

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